CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Question about Jasmin on the Amrita Cd...

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I've been waiting to get someone to read over this before I posted a link, but since people seem to really want it, here's what I have for Jasmine.  The romaji is accurate, but the translation is a rough draft; take it with a grain of salt.

Cherry tiger:
Yay!!! Thank you, Caena! Actually, your translations are pretty good. ^^

thanks :D arigatou gozaimasu

You're welcome and thank you.  ^_^  I like doing these song translations because they're a good way to get some practice without a huge time commitment, but lyrics can get pretty strange at times, so I prefer it when I can find someone to ask about things.

Thanks for the translation.. i've been looking everywhere for it :)


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