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I Hate School! (COMPLAIN HERE!)

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i have always been a failure in math because my logical is totally illogical  :rotfl:

yeah i hate maths too. i was never good at it in high school...when i took one unit of it in uni, i actually did pretty well but only coz there were heaps of tutors for me to bug :tongue3:

i soooo hate it when lecturers have a monotone voice. u want to listen to them but u just can't coz their voice makes u soooo sleepy.

Me and Math dont mix either. I practically bombed my geometry test...~_~ I know they're just shapes but they include lines. They have a specific name for each line.... Everything else is okay though.
For me, school's okay. I dont hate it and I dont love it. It's exactly what Dokaka said, a love and hate relationship.


--- Quote from: EuphoriaBliss on August 14 2006, 08:37 pm ---Me and Math dont mix either. I practically bombed my geometry test...~_~ I know they're just shapes but they include lines. They have a specific name for each line.... Everything else is okay though.
For me, school's okay. I dont hate it and I dont love it. It's exactly what Dokaka said, a love and hate relationship.

--- End quote ---
I knw i agree maths and i un un i dont think so and me and science too no way jose  well peace

you know,i think that the problem is not say the right way:
this isn't school in itself that we don't like,because it is really something wonderful that built ALL OUR CHILDHOOD,but this is some nasty people we met there who spoil the enjoyment of learning  :okay:


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