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I Hate School! (COMPLAIN HERE!)

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There are some really uncool teachers in my school, and I just hate having to meet them everyday...
None of them seems to make you want to learn at all. Art used to be my favourite subject, but the teacher is just an annoying, dull person that doesn't seem to care about anything good that's been done by a student.

that's the feeling eveybody have i think,seeking acknowledgement,attention and affection and trying as best as we can to prove ourselves even thought it means more often disappointement,because teacher are after all...humans who have their family their life and their own trouble  :(...
yeah,i know it's hurts,but we can help each other to clean our inner pain  :okay:

bie liao:
I just started school again today, and I can honestly say that only 3 classes don't scare the crap out of me.

2nd- Argh I'm one of two girls surrounded by guys who don't care about anything.
3rd- French is okay.
4th- English is okay (but I think my teacher is on crack, she's so weird)
5th- Chemistry is okay, but he's monotonous
6th- Algebra II omfg she has such a bad accent I think I will fail one of those 3 tests a six weeks or quiz a week.
7th- FACS...don't get me started.

And my homeroom teacher is an absolute witch so I won't rant about her now.  ><

Things i hate most about school (i'm portuguese so its a bit different):

1- i spent the whole year next to a guy that when he swallows sounds like a loud toilet filling up, that does nothin in class doesnt let others listen and talks loudly and too much and is a jerk;
2- in total i have bout 3 classes a day the least or more the maximum is 5 with a duration of 1h30m each class (yeah i pratically fall asleep in some)
3- i don't really like my class in general (we have always the same people in it)
4- im at an age guys are still dorks
5- we have to do tests each period 2 of each subject and last year we had 7 subjects´along with projects and at the end of the year we had to do exams that involved 2 subjects and for each we needed to study 2 years of stuff
6- our school is falling apart
7- boys/girls can enter the locker rooms cuz they have no security
8- teatchers don't care, students soon stop caring and the education system just throws stuff at us that makes no sense= low grades (i have nothin to complain but they could be better)
9- people in charge are idiots
10- having an education is really expensive especially when we had 13 subjects...
11-they're all idiots...

can't think of more but i think that sums it up... school s**ks(no bad words ^.~)

MJ Walker:
I hate my school because it's name is Zamboni. I hate that name, so akward. I know who the person was, but I hate that name.


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