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I Hate School! (COMPLAIN HERE!)

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im only startin school mid september no idea when still ^^

Your so lucky to start school on september! *sigh*


--- Quote from: Airashii on August 16 2006, 06:08 am ---Haha, good one. I started school on august 8, can you believe it?! And already on the first day they gave me homework! Plus, I have to do a very elaborated science fair...and I'm only on 11th grade, I can't imagine university!

A bad thing about schoolis that my computer hours have been reduced, so it is VERY hard for me to post and enter this wonderful addictive site, I feel as if I'm traped!

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if it could comforts you i'm far from being on holidays too,i'm working the two months of july and august like a maniac and in september i carry on with my usual job without any pause,so cheer up,think that you are not the only one to wake up early the morning  :okay:


--- Quote from: Michigirl on August 16 2006, 08:02 am ---im only startin school mid september no idea when still ^^

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lol so do i yay  :D:D ahha  Airashii  u started school like a month b4 me and Michigirl

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 15 2006, 10:35 pm ---it means that school makes us more dumb than smart :okay:

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i so agree tatasebko who aagrees?  lol well g2g peace


--- Quote from: kagome on August 22 2006, 12:22 am ---lol so do i yay :D:D ahha Airashii u started school like a month b4 me and Michigirl

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Yes, *sniff* saddly...


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