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I Hate School! (COMPLAIN HERE!)

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Arrgh! I hate school!  :angry: It's so boring and it's Middle School! I get seperated from my 4 Best Friends cause I have to go to another school. It takes long. I have braces. I hate eatingat school

we are always screaming out discontented about schools,but  knowing how much difficult it is in japan i think that we shouldn't complain too much  :sweatdrop:!

Well in other contries they beat you with sticks if you get the answer wrong. :( And it could be bamboo! >.<;
;-; I'm gonna miss them...  :cry:

I'd rather be a student again than a teacher. >< I teach high school. As much as kids complain, teachers really do have it worse. We just don't complain to anyone because it's our job. :D

I'm nervous and excited for Middle School... the fact I can get lost and get a tardy and what people I can meet there..


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