General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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Princess Kakurine:
My name is Malou,
it was suppose to be Marylou
but its on the rush that the hospital really need the my name

and my name also get from the name of my mother and father

My Name is Isabella XD
~ Nicknames: Nyaaa~Chan,Issa,Zeldi, And things like that XD


Haha, some people comment it sounds like a boy's name. :sweatdrop:


I also go by B.J (family and friends only)
My dad calls me Teddy (he is the only one allowed too, don't ask why he does  :heh:)

Ruby Chan:
Ummm.......let's just say I share a character on X's first name.....a flame wielding religious prostitute woman......anyone who's seen the series/read the manga will be able to work out my real name!

I also have the nickname of Kermit, but I'm not sure why!


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