General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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Lauryn Gast (Boring I know….I have a middle name but it’s the weirdest thing ever)

Or *ahem*
Swamp “Swampy” Donkey (all my guy friends call me that…don’t ask, I did and all I got was…”It’s you, you’re a swamp donkey”)
Rinoa (a lot of people think I look like Rinoa off of FFVIII)
Tsubasa (my friend Jesse, cute ne?)
FF (don’t ask)
Harugen (my crazy group of friends (the ones that are into anime), they say I’m a lot like Haruko Haruhara (FLCL) & Mugen (Samurai Champloo) hence the name Harugen)

I have a lot more…but that’d take ages to write (and read)

Sailor Yue-chan:
i loathe my real fist name, so ill jsut say the name i go by: Page.

My name is Ashley.. Plain and simple. I use to hate my name because its so common where I live but I've learned to deal with it. That was when I did a essay on names and some guy named his daughter Espn.... I worry.

Little Wolf:

I love my name! I wouldn't mind though if my mom had named me Syaoran..  :heh:

Kimberly. My name's alright, I don't find it bad at all.


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