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What's your REAL name? ~_~

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my real name is Belén, like my mother, a common name in Spain. I like extrange names ^_^.
My name has Jewish procedence (in jewish bet-he-lem)


--- Quote from: aymiahfayth on May 01 2006, 04:34 am ---My name is Ashley.. Plain and simple. I use to hate my name because its so common where I live but I've learned to deal with it. That was when I did a essay on names and some guy named his daughter Espn.... I worry.

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My name is also Ashley. Spelled the same way too. But I like how "Ashlee" is spelled this way. My names are also:
Randall sister
Kyle Sister
whats her name
For some odd reason. Ashley is a very common name, but every one keeps forgetting it o.O

Kairi is a mommy.

--- Quote ---My real name is Maria. My family call me Mia hence my username. My middle name is Kay - this was after my midwife.
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*dies in space Shadow the Hedgehog style*


--- Quote from: VexNet on May 24 2006, 12:26 am ---Kairi is a mommy.

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:lol: I almost forgot about that :lol:


--- Quote from: VexNet on May 24 2006, 12:26 am ---Maria!
*dies in space Shadow the Hedgehog style*

--- End quote ---

What's wrong with my name? :) I'm not a big fan of it so I won't be offended. People feel the need to sing the songs that have my name in when they meet me. Quite annoying actually.


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