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What's your REAL name? ~_~

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nah, I love the name. Can't think of any songs with it in at the top of my head right now tho.
I said that because it's the name of a character in Sonic Adventure 2. It's who Shadow was in love with but just as he saved the planet from the evil Gerald Robotnik he 'died' in space and his last words were about him saving the world for Maria..

Arr sweet, well not about him dying! There's Blondie - Maria - You gotta see her, Maria - she reminds me of a Westside story, and there's Maria - I once met a girl named Maria.

And loads more! They are just the more common one's. At least there are no songs with your name in!

My real name is Van.Original name in Vietnamese is Vân.I hate my name! :hmp:

I like Van, van like in Escaflowné

--- Quote ---At least there are no songs with your name in!
--- End quote ---
Yes there are. Elton John - Daniel
When I was little I actually thought that was about me, I swear I thought it was, I even remmember The music video I was in with it, It's all confusing my BRAIN!!!

Hmm never heard that one! But then Elton does have many songs!


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