General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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Rika Iiyumi:
chani. (the "a" is pronounced like "awe" except not it's NOT a long "a"...)
my dad read it in a book called "DUNE" X__X

mispronounciations of my name include: chaynee. chaani (a as in apple). chaniye (long i) and chayniye

my real name is Li nick for Lianne

Melissa :'( so plain.

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
Maybe a few of you already know my real name.

Angelica. But please just call me Ica (pronounced Aika) if you want to.

Uhh.. Basically I don't like giving out my name (esp. my original nicks) in forums....

I'll just give out a clue ^_^

Ma-ku-shin <-- pronounced in Japanese
-just convert it back to the English

Other 'available' nicks:
Rei_Shuyin/ShuRei (my default and original ones)
KiyomoRi (to the point that I got bored O.o)
Amillowave (given by my close friend; don't ask please -_-)

and in real life (another clue) : Max



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