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What's your REAL name? ~_~

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My real name is Leana.
But people pronounce it every possible way except for the right one :dodge: So I prefer Mizumi.

Mine is Rebecca. I hate nicknames, but I have one friand that I don't mind calling me Beckey. I have some friends who ended up with some wierd's funny!

Harmony... I honestly don't like it too much. It doesn't match me. I also get tired of people saying it's a nice name. I prefer Riku for myself.


--- Quote from: Chibikawa on June 09 2006, 08:22 am ---Harmony... I honestly don't like it too much. It doesn't match me. I also get tired of people saying it's a nice name. I prefer Riku for myself.

--- End quote ---
I can see how one would tire of Harmony.
Riku sounds cute. (I have an unused nickneme of Rekka.)

Mine is Faishal. What a strange name. T_T


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