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What's your REAL name? ~_~

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My real name is Petru (the english Peter).... I like my name , but you can call me how you want...


--- Quote from: Anime4you on August 15 2006, 07:19 pm ---My real name is Petru (the english Peter).... I like my name , but you can call me how you want...

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Peter is the name of a dragon,you must be hot-tempered  :haha:

To be homenstly I am very hot-tempered sometimes... But I prefer to say that i am a litle bit nervous... But I think that I don't showed how "mad" i can be. :evil4:

My real name is Natalia...a spanish name...


--- Quote from: Anime4you on August 16 2006, 03:03 am ---To be homenstly I am very hot-tempered sometimes... But I prefer to say that i am a litle bit nervous... But I think that I don't showed how "mad" i can be. :evil4:

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so you are as much uncontrollable as Clone Shaolan,no wonder that your set is about him  :okay:


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