General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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Miranda... ._.; but I'm German (Heritage (sp?))...and I wish my name was Leyna. T-T

((my name came up in movie credits that my parents were watching, so they liked the name and chose it as mine...XD how weird...(i think they were just lazy...sshhhh!) >.>; ))


--- Quote from: Kana-chan on August 21 2006, 01:40 am ---Miranda... ._.; but I'm German (Heritage (sp?))...and I wish my name was Leyna. T-T

((my name came up in movie credits that my parents were watching, so they liked the name and chose it as mine...XD how weird...(i think they were just lazy...sshhhh!) >.>; ))

--- End quote ---

your name is really cute you know,and you can utter it at miRanda,or miLanda in japan spelling  :keke:!
moreover the name of Miranda remenber me of a necromancer woman  :wink:

Sailor Yue-chan:
seems like alot of people dont really like their names :lol: (like me :P)

I dont really like my name cuz of ll the stupidass puns, and when my classmte who lives across the street told people my REAL first name [i go by my middle name], that was even worse.  its all all the jerks called me by. :dodge:

i dont know why, but i was always picked on in school, and my name was one of the amin things they used.

I like my name, it's unique. ^o^


--- Quote from: SailorYue-chan on August 21 2006, 04:38 pm ---seems like alot of people dont really like their names :lol: (like me :P)

I dont really like my name cuz of ll the stupidass puns, and when my classmte who lives across the street told people my REAL first name [i go by my middle name], that was even worse. its all all the jerks called me by. :dodge:

i dont know why, but i was always picked on in school, and my name was one of the amin things they used.

--- End quote ---

i can feel your pain,i was always alone at school,and stupid guys and nasty girls took advantage of my loneliness to annoy me,like Mokona loves to do with Kurogane,but they hadn't have the same state of mind of course  :dodge:
i often wished the stars to bring me friends,and i assure you that it worked,the next year i had so many that it was hard to see them all (i was always running during recreation to say hello to everyone  :okay:)


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