General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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My name is Jacqueline Nguyen the same as my user name so that it's easy to remember.

MJ Walker:
My names is Marie Janette, but I tell everyone that my name is Mary Jane, much easier. They always say my name 'Maury Jante', the people in my city are on crack :D.

Shaira *pronounced shyra* Denise

Nicknames: Shy, Shea *pronounced Shay*

What I hate is how everybody *yes, even my relatives* spell my name wrong. They write Shay, Shey, Shae.. *my uncle calls me Gorgonia as a jokeee.. I HATE IT*

Mine is Alexis,

My parents thought I was going to be a boy, so when I was born a girl they still gave me that name.....Now its a girls name too

Ah another Nguyen here!

Erin [for Ireland, Erin is another name for Ireland] Nguyen. ^^ [part Irish and Vietnamese]


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