General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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My real name is not big science, is also Itzeen, I have two names Kaori Itzeen, but I like inside the forums to call me Itzeen jijijiji (sorry to disapoint about my real name)

Awww... you guys have such cute names! Everytime people ask for mine they'd go.. "Wha? Whazzzat?"    "I didn't get that"    "Could you repeat that?"

By the way, My name is Glynnis...

 :keke:  My friends call me GlynN or Gly or nNis or whatever name that pops on their heads..  :keke:

Although its my name... Its just that I have a hard time saying it... Weird, don't you think?  :-\

my real names Emilie like Emily only with a ie no y  most of my friends call me Emma,Emi or Em

My real name is Lucy... which is boring. You can't really shorten it to anything either..
Although some people call me Luce, but mostly people just call me Lucy.

Mine's Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Lizzy


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