General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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White Puma:

--- Quote from: Angelic-Essence on September 08 2005, 11:53 am ---and my birth name of course. lol. its ridiculous isnt it? :lol: nicknames anyone? xD

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Dont say that I love your name its a great name :)


My name is Emily

Ai_Hosiko(Cuz I Love love and i love stars)
Jienko(Its my character name in my club where we make our own comics)
kitty(My elementary school friends called me that cuz i loved cats so mutch:and the fact that i always hiss when im pissed!!)
Gum Ball(this one is stupid! JUST CUZ I GOT GUM ON MY PANTS!! my lord!!)

my real name is Carla
some people in my school call me Karly

My real name is Lourie (pronounced LOR-REE!)  :P  Hmm...nicknames yeah.  Well, they call me Lo, Lorrily, Loley, Dork, *****, E.T (don't ask...lmao), Beast, Crackle (Like Snap, Crackle and Pop!  I'm Crackle...XD), and the ever popular, "Hey girl!"  lol  Actually there are more but I'm too lazy to list them.  xP


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