General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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heheh...its still awesome... :hehe:


--- Quote from: xx_chibirosie_xx on September 20 2005, 01:49 pm ---heheh...its still awesome... :hehe:

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Yup. I got a new nickname today........Crazy Japanese Freak....... made by my "adorable" imouto  :dodge:

I am Jessica! mwa ha ha... my good buddy and fellow tsubasa fan has the same name as me, but we call her Spiral. She's obsessed with uzumaki. :)

My name is Mariam. Yes, its an odd name. No my parent's weren't on crack when they named me. Nicknames: Marry, fisah :XD:


--- Quote from: fisah on September 23 2005, 02:58 pm ---My name is Mariam. Yes, its an odd name. No my parent's weren't on crack when they named me. Nicknames: Marry, fisah :XD:

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It's not odd. That's one of my older sister's names, except her's is spell: Miriam.


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