General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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Dan Cosnett... well everyone knows anyway, I use my last name as a Username for most places anyway XD COSNETT !!!

Wait... I forgot to mention my other names... my neighbors, friends and family calls me anyway. lol


and my birth name of course. lol. its ridiculous isnt it? :lol: nicknames anyone? xD

I usually don't like to give out my nicknames, but my forum name is based off of one of my nicknames, so why not.

My dad used to call me 2 nicknames when I was a kid. They came from my original name Maureen. The first one was Beaners, as in Maureenie Beanie. I hated that name. Nobody here better call me that! And he also called me Rini. I used to hate that one also, but considering it's used in Sailor Moon, the American version, I don't mind as much. And the nickname my uncle gave me; Moe. And that's how I became moezy-chan!

Lol, my friends call me Angie since they say its 'cute'... *shudders* :sweatdrop:

my parents call me Ann most of the time and my brother prefers to call me just plain Angela. :keke:

mm.. mi name is felicitas (which could be transalted to felicity)
and nicknames well.. my father calls me "princess" *sweatdrops* never understood why.. rest of my family: felu
friends: feli or fela (i hate that one!!)
and.. that's it


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