General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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My name is Ann-Kristin xD
I like it  :XD:

But my friends call me Ankris or Kyo...

* emina *:
mine?ummm,Ria.(the real one?Rializza)


My Dad picked it out. Isn't it pretty? ^^ He and my Mom couldn't agree on a name for me, but he found this one, they both liked it and woo-lah! Here I am!

I have, erm, no nicknames. My Spanish teacher calls me "Kyla" because when she tried saying my name it always came out as "Kyle" or "Carla" so I told her just to call my "Kyla."  And she sometimes calls me "Kylita" which I think is also very pretty. ^^   And that's it.

I'm known as kolaida at most places and, also, Kherubim.  Also, at times whimsicaldreamer (that's my email so I'll use it as a username sometimes).

Princess Kakurine:
mine is "Malou" ^_^

it is been combined by my parents name...
"Ma" for my dad's name and
"Lou" for my mom's name

my real name's Geetika which i got really recently but mostly people refer to me as Nikita, or Nix, Nikki, Rusty, Rusey, Bhootney (that means banshee because i have long and completely uncontrollable hair)  or sometimes Geets or Gits


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