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What's your REAL name? ~_~

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Wolf Blossom:
My name is Michelle or Tricia Just like MichelleSV...and yeah same here they Call me Tricia at school and Michelle At home thats so freaky


--- Quote from: sofiacardcaptors on February 12 2006, 01:43 am ---yup! Maybe There is anothr Sofia like me

--- End quote ---

My second name is Sofia. ^^ Wish it'd been my first. It's beautiful. Hum.. My first name is Elina but people like call me just Ellu. (Don't know what it sounds like when pronounced in English)

my name is weird, so i'm not gonna give it out ^_^
but my nicknames include: little one, charex, and...many more, too lazy to name them, haha

my first name is sandra and lyn is my second name.

i just tell you that my nickname is Jinny^^


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