General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's your REAL name? ~_~

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Well, my real name is, as I've said, Jeannette, just like my current username. I'm named after my mom's only sister. The family often calls me Jeannette Jr. and my aunt Jeannette Sr. to avoid confusion. XD Funnily enough, my dad is a junior, so I sometimes get mail with 'Jeannette Jr.' on it.

My middle name is Rheda, named after the least crazy of my dad's three sisters. The fact that Aunt Rheda is the least crazy is frightening in and of itself.

I'm Nicole, middle name Patricia after my Grandma. My family calls me Snicks tho. :D

Hikari B.:

--- Quote from: sanlyn on March 15 2006, 03:50 pm ---my first name is sandra and lyn is my second name.

--- End quote ---

My name is Sandra too. o_o

Watashi wa Deanna desu...
Nickname is kinda embarrasing but family calls me "Precious" and friends call me "Destiny" ^_^

haha :D mine is Wai Cheong and nickname is Leonda... but somehow my family rather liked to call me ViVi like on the FFIX


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