CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Regular tankoubon or deluxe hardcover?

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Hello there, I'm new here.

I'm planning on buying the Tsubasa Chronicle manga, and was wondering if I should go for the regular softcover tankoubon or the hardcover deluxe. eep, yes, I know I sound a little obsessed.... but seriously. which one would you rather go for??....

For me the regular version is enough! *don't swim in money* :greengrin:
It's more handy!!!

If I had the money I would get the hardcover, but since I can't buy it since I don't have that much money, I think I will buy the normal kind....

It depends if you have the money and the obssesion  :sweatdrop:

depends on how much you want the books. I would prefer the hardbacks, them having the colour pages, but the I like the soft versions' covers better  :keke:

..I'm planning on buying the hardbacks too!  :sweatdrop:

I reccomend the soft versions. why? with the soft cover versions they are cheaper, for starters. Also, many of the soft cover books have better pics, in my opinion. I like some of the soft cover cover pics better. I think you should by all the soft cover ones frst. then think about possibly getting your favorite volume in hardcover also.

I bought the first volume in hardcover for collectable reasons, and plan on getting the 6th one in hardcover too, even though I have all 6 del rey manga in soft cover. ^.^ obsessed.


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