CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Regular tankoubon or deluxe hardcover?

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--- Quote from: Strawberry on September 15 2005, 03:53 am ---Cool you manage to order vol 1-3 even though I heard they are out of print?
Anyway I say you made a good choice because its only $5 extra which is not alot and plus you get a postcard and a nice cardboard sleeve cover with the hardbacks, hope you like them when you recieve your order ^_-

--- End quote --- still had them in stock when I bought them..... I checked a few days ago, and they're out of stock of Vol 1 now.

These books cost a bit more, but I've decided to make them my guilty pleasure. ^^

Emperor Shaoran:
They sure feel nice to the touch, plus having an elegant appearance. Probably last for several centuries! Hand them down the family generation!


--- Quote from: Strawberry on September 12 2005, 07:52 am ---I heard that the first and second volume of the TRC hardcover mangas are currently out pf print and possibly the third volume too.

--- End quote ---

Where did you hear they're out of print?  I think your source for that information is inaccurate. Japanese bookstores in my area constantly restock the hardcover editions of Tsubasa every few weeks or so.

Probably meant limited editions? lol


--- Quote from: Angelic-Essence on September 17 2005, 05:17 am ---Probably meant limited editions? lol

--- End quote ---

I suppose they maybe limited editions afetr all, but what I heard from another site, they were out of print.


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