CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Regular tankoubon or deluxe hardcover?

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I heard that the first and second volume of the TRC hardcover mangas are currently out pf print and possibly the third volume too. Therefore it may be piontless collecting the hardcovers if you want the whole hardback manga series. I personally like hardcovers better, it may be more expensive, but its worth it. The hard back features a lovely cardboard sleeve cover and the artwork on the covers are much more nicer.
I guess you may want to get the soft covers if you want the full set.

Emperor Shaoran:
I got the first hardback and it is quality! Plus, I quite like collecting old qinpu (guqin zither tablature) facsimilies and the hardback have a sort of elegance similar to them, in terms of them being in cases (also motivated to put my appreciation seal/chop on them).

For me, I'll buy all the English Del-ray as paperback and the Japanese Kodansha as a hardback version.

I finally made a decision - I ordered the hardback editions of volume 1-3 online. I hope this was a good decision! ^^

Cool you manage to order vol 1-3 even though I heard they are out of print?
Anyway I say you made a good choice because its only $5 extra which is not alot and plus you get a postcard and a nice cardboard sleeve cover with the hardbacks, hope you like them when you recieve your order ^_-

Soft cover's are convenient. Hard covers are cool with an extra. Either one is fine but I'll stick to the soft ones. ^_^


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