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Homework Thread

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Thanks for the help!  :keke: *hands cookies*


--- Quote from: Okamirei on September 15 2005, 08:50 am ---Thanks for the help!  :keke: *hands cookies*

--- End quote ---

Anytime, and thanks for the cookie!

Now I need help. Does anybody have any ideas to help my argument on keeping the 2nd amendment; the right to bear arms? I've typed up 3 pages already, I just need 2 more. I just need some ideas. Anything will do.

Hunting, protection, law enforcement, you have to kill rabid animals somehow,  (so sad)
  hmm.. I don't know I think guns hould have never have been invented but that's just me.


--- Quote from: Sayora Chan on September 10 2005, 12:08 pm ---I would say that it depends on if the poster has to be serious or not.
Ideas for a serious poster:
- Do your homework / Study hard: pics of students reading or writing
- Pass between classes in an orderly manner: pics of students in hallways, possibly in lines.
- Be respectful of teachers and faculty members: pics of students doing nice things for teachers

- Don't sleep in class: pics of students looking alert and attentive.

Ideas for a not so serious poster:
- Don't thow things in class: pics of students throwing things
- Be respectful: students sticking out therr tounges or clearly not listening.

Things of that nature may get you thinking. As far as how to do it, it shouldn't be too hard. I had to do something like that a long time ago. Either take pictures off the internet or cut them out of magazines. Paste or tape them to the poster, and write the rule/responsibility next to each picture. I hope I was able to help or at least give you ideas. :heh:

--- End quote ---

Thank you so much!!!!!!! I used some of your ideas, and another few I found by myself and I got a 100 !!!! *starts doing the I-got-a-good-grade happy dance*

Thanks a million!!! *Hugs*


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