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Homework Thread

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--- Quote from: Starfire on September 15 2005, 09:16 am ---Hunting, protection, law enforcement, you have to kill rabid animals somehow,  (so sad)
  hmm.. I don't know I think guns hould have never have been invented but that's just me.

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In all honesty, I don't like guns either, but I needed to support one of the amendments. Part of the reason I'm having trouble writing this paper. I'm defending something I hate myself. Also, thanks for the ideas, but I already have them in my paper.

collecting? yeah people collect old guns 
people's self confidence just knowing they own one and have power? , 
 these are just popping in my head.  hmm it is hard.


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on September 15 2005, 09:08 am ---Now I need help. Does anybody have any ideas to help my argument on keeping the 2nd amendment; the right to bear arms? I've typed up 3 pages already, I just need 2 more. I just need some ideas. Anything will do.

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Maybe you can mention how they used them to create "justice"? I mean, when someone commited a crime, they were killed with arms to "pay". Maybe you can mention that


--- Quote from: Monserrat on September 15 2005, 10:27 am ---Maybe you can mention how they used them to create "justice"? I mean, when someone commited a crime, they were killed with arms to "pay". Maybe you can mention that

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Thank you also Monserrat, but I already put that in my paper, but I'll see if maybe I can extend on that.


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on September 15 2005, 10:31 am ---Thank you also Monserrat, but I already put that in my paper, but I'll see if maybe I can extend on that.

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Oh, you are welcome... I really want to help, though!!! *Starts thinjking really hard on different options*

Maybe you can say that arms take a high role of importance in the battlefield. They have been there since the Stone Age, and thanks to them we are able to survive (when we still killed animals with a knife, for example)


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