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Homework Thread

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Director of Music:
My Pre-AP english teacher (8th grade) asked all of us to write a personal narrative.  A special moment that happened to us.  Sounds pretty easy, yes.  But the twist is that we're usually familar on writing with 1st person on our point of view.  She wants us to write it in another person's perspective.  Like let's say your gonna write about the winning soccor goal, you wouldn't write it from your point of view, but like from a younger sibling's POV.  My problem is this.  I don't know what to write about, and I don't know who's POV I should do it in  :cry:

First of all you have to pick an event then, review who was all there.   A little kid's pov is an interesting idea but you wouldn't be able to use highly big words unless that kid is a genuis or something.

Mozey~Chan i'm sorry but my computer has decided to hate pdf files. everytime i click on one the computer shuts down  so I can't be much of a help  (Soo sorry!)


--- Quote from: Starfire on September 13 2005, 08:26 am ---First of all you have to pick an event then, review who was all there.   A little kid's pov is an interesting idea but you wouldn't be able to use highly big words unless that kid is a genuis or something.

Mozey~Chan i'm sorry but my computer has decided to hate pdf files. everytime i click on one the computer shuts down  so I can't be much of a help  (Soo sorry!)

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That's alright. I figured it was something like that. I was able to find my 3 sources, but I would like somebody to review my work. I will do the typing, and you, or anybody else who is so kind, can read my work and tell me what mistakes I may be making, and give me a few pointers. Do you by any chance have Microsoft Word? I could send you what I have written in an email attachment.

Now on to Onii ChanTouya; if I were doing the paper I would write about something that was very important in my life. Examples: a birthday that was very meaningful, the first time you learned to ride a bicycle, you went to your first concert, or your parents took you to an exhibit or show that you enjoyed. Tell me if those work, and if not I'll see give more examples. Hopefully this will give you an idea.

As for how to write your paper, your teacher means in 3rd person POV. A perfect example would be a fanfic. If you want, read my fanfic All By Myself on my fanfiction account. I'm not sure if you like the show Teen Titans, but in this fanfic I'm constantly switching between 1st person POV and 3rd person POV. My username is the same; moezy-chan. This is my URL:

After reading this, you'll get an idea on how to write in 3rd person POV. Please tell me if you are unfamiliar with these terms and I'll PM you with an explaination. Hope this helps.

Director of Music:


--- Quote from: OniiChanTouya on September 14 2005, 09:48 am ---THAAAAAAAAAAAAANKKKKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

--- End quote ---

If you mean me, you're welcome! Hope you get a good grade on your paper!


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