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What is your Theme Song?

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Oh, good topic, :D

I have a couple that I'd say I think of as my personal themes, in the order I'd choose them.

"Ordinary World" by Duran Duran
"Darkness" by Darren Hayes
"A Stray Child" by Yuki Kajiura
"Turn Back Time" by Aqua (Her voice is DIVINE on this track)
"Waiting for the Night" by Depeche Mode
"Soul Meets Body" Death Cab for Cutie
"Here's to the Night" by Eve 6
"Breathe", Melissa Etheridge's version
aaand finally "If I Ever Loose My Faith (in you)" by Sting

Ai, Just On My Love

My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne

Right now, my theme song depends on my mood while traveling

Unbalance na Kiss wo Shite - when I feel stone-cold and unmindful of people

Alive A Life - when I'm hot and excited

Ai, Just On My Love - when I'm in angsty windwalker (fast traveling) mode XD

You Are My Love (Kajiura Yuki version) - when I'm meditating

Innocent Starter - Nana Mizuki ^_^


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