General Discussions > The "What" Board

What is your Theme Song?

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Chiba Saeko~Sayonara Solitaire
Kuribayashi Minami~Tsubasa wa Pleasure Line
Kotoko~ Second Flight

Miss Jenni-Maie:
I've had a change! Hehe.
Right now mine would be Dishwalla - Collide
For all the times I was trying to do something to benefit myself but ended up hurting others (and myself) in the process.

Cherry tiger:
Sicky Cycle Carousel by Lifehouse. Well, I think it suits me at the moment...

Right now my theme song is Bad Day by Daniel Powter. I've really had a bad day.  -_-

Miss Jenni-Maie:

--- Quote from: moezy-chan on December 08 2005, 02:08 am ---Right now my theme song is Bad Day by Daniel Powter. I've really had a bad day. -_-

--- End quote ---
I have a bad day song, myself.
Except it's Bad Day by Fuel, haha. It suits me well.


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