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What is your Theme Song?

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Missing You - Aaliyah

Geeze, i have a ton of theme songs... :sweatdrop: narrow it down to a few.

Rainbow Connection as sung by Kermit the Frog, this has probably been one of my favourite songs ever since I can't remember. It's always to song I end up singing when all other songs disappear.

Simon by Lifehouse, is my crying song. "You lost yourself in your search to find something else to hide behind" and "You don't know why they had to go this far, traded your worth for these scars, for your only company. Don't believe the lies that they have told to you. Not one words was true. You're alright, you're alright, you're alright." are lyrics that I always shout out in tears when something in life really knocks me down.

And right now This is Who You Are by The Trans-siberian Orchesta from their concept rock-opera Beethoven's Last Night is really hitting me. Especially the bridge, "It's the strangers in your life that you never though you'd meet. It's the hand that picked you up when you're laying in the street. It's the hand that cut you down. It's the dream that someone shared. When you thought that all was lost, it's the friend that wasn't there. You can run from all the memory, but never get that far. For in the end they'll find you for this is who you are."

And a song that I listen to when I feel like I'm being pushed into being a dumb kid, when I actually want to be of use is My Youth by Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky, who you probably never heard of because it's a local guy. Anyway, the lyrics go

Help me, I'm dreaming my life away
In books and pages.
I'm caught in an age that's unforgivable.
Right after twelve, just before you hit twenty

I'm a teenager
I'm undependable
I'm giving up on you

Your selfish ways have no bearing
Against my not caring
My selfless ways have no meaning
Against your ego

But you always find the words
To bring me down
And you care so much
When I'm not around

I'm a teenager
I'm undependable
And I'm giving up on you

Your trust is so untrusting
That you'll wait fo me mess up, once again
I refuse to watch the world through your eyes
I'll hide my tears so you won't see me cry

I'm teenager
I'm undependable
I'm giving up my youth.

I think the fact that a friend of mine wrote it and sings it adds a little weight to it, but i always loved that song.

And right now I guess those are my themes... :heh:

Scars - Papa Roach

.reminiscing...=\ brningg bakk memories >.<"

Agnes Carlson~Right Here Right Now!
It describes my love to everyone on CW Forums ^_^

Galaxy Bang Bang by Angel-Tai (It's from the anime Galaxy Angels) e? maybe because... My head always get the craziest ideas! :haha:


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