CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Chi from chobits and Chi from Tsubasa

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--- Quote from: suu_no_clover on September 22 2005, 03:23 pm ---*ponders* I think Chii is just another tool in his evil plot to rule the kingdom of Celes!! Or so it is in my big theory involving Fai being power hungry and evil in a weird willy wonka-ish way. Of course this theory doesn't make much sense when I think abou it, but hey, let the fangirl dream.
This Chii is a mystery to me, but I don't think she has a sister in this universe... it's just be too weird.

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Sorry people, but what Yuki is about to say is OFF TOPIC TO THE EXTREME:

O.o.... ^_^ KYAAA! Willy Wonka Fai! OMG! >_< Awesome! I'd LOVE to see that! XD So cuuuute!

Ahem, you may all continue your regularly scheduled "on-topic" conversations....

Hey, can someone draw that? Fai in a Willy Wonka outfit? That would be sooo funny! erhm... i mean "Super!"

Also, Freya appearing in Tsubasa? I dont know... probably not. Would be funny if she's like... Ashura's servant. and Chii is Fai's servant. But then, Chii would probably have been named Elda, wouldn't she? Since Elda is the one who is Freya's sister. Chii is... well... Chii's not. if you know what i mean. ^^'

I don't know, It could happen, but knowing CLAMP, anything can happen, I have a feeling that everyone will find out, hopefully, in the next two or three worlds

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when we find out why Chi is created, in a small little way, and what Fai's true intensions are or why he is running. But if you think about it, when Ashura wakes up, will he kill Chi?


--- Quote from: Meowzy on September 22 2005, 09:47 pm ---Hey, can someone draw that? Fai in a Willy Wonka outfit? That would be sooo funny! erhm... i mean "Super!"

Also, Freya appearing in Tsubasa? I dont know... probably not. Would be funny if she's like... Ashura's servant. and Chii is Fai's servant. But then, Chii would probably have been named Elda, wouldn't she? Since Elda is the one who is Freya's sister. Chii is... well... Chii's not. if you know what i mean. ^^'

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Heh heh, I'll try it! If people are willing to wait a while.. Yuki is a sloooow drawer...  (That's a weird word.. "drawer".. I guess I'm a slow... "sketcher"... or something.... XD XD)

--- Quote from: Smile_For_Me on September 23 2005, 03:48 am ---I don't know, It could happen, but knowing CLAMP, anything can happen, I have a feeling that everyone will find out, hopefully, in the next two or three worlds

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when we find out why Chi is created, in a small little way, and what Fai's true intensions are or why he is running. But if you think about it, when Ashura wakes up, will he kill Chi?

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*reads spoiler* JEEZ! >_< Ohh! I hope CLAMP doesn't do that! That'd be horrible! But I really doubt they will because Chii is probably one of their most popular characters of all time.. At least I hope so...

hmm...I really hope that CLAMP doesn't do that.  But then agian I see the point of it.

*goes off to ponder and get ready to re-read the series*


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