CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Chi from chobits and Chi from Tsubasa
They never really did mention whether the girl is named Chi or Elda in Ceres realm, do they?
off-topic- Mythological reference
I read somewhere that Freya is actually a girl who traveled the world to search for her love, but who's Elda?
Hira-san, yes, her name is Chii in Tsubasa. She said so in third person! XD So cute! I'm pretty sure Fai said it, too, but I don't remember... *sweatdrop* But the name "Elda" has not been mentioned.
You guys wanna know how lame I am? Waaaaay back in the Outo ark, when we saw Chitose-san, I was like: "OMG OMG, she's gonna say something about Chii! She HAS to! Maybe Freya will show up, too!" And guess what never happened? Yeah, that... *vein* I really had my hopes up, back then. And here we are, nearly six volumes later with NO mention of Chii.... *sighs*
Yeah, I saw her too, CLAMP better start letting on to why Fai created Chi because.. us fan girls and guys want to know.
off topic
Just got one of my guy friends into Tsubasa, he's going as Kurogain on 31st.
--- Quote from: Smile_For_Me on October 25 2005, 04:08 pm ---Yeah, I saw her too, CLAMP better start letting on to why Fai created Chi because.. us fan girls and guys want to know.
off topic
Just got one of my guy friends into Tsubasa, he's going as Kurogain on 31st.
--- End quote ---
Off-topic reply to the off-topic statement:
Awesome! You recruited a fan!? And he's dressing up, too?!! Sweet! XD
(twitch) Willy Wonka Fai? (twitch) OH MY GOD, that is the BEST IDEA EVER!
However, Willy Wonka is not evil... just slightly sadistic... So it makes no sense to describe anybody as 'evil in a Willy Wonka-ish way.' Not even Johnny Depp made Willy Wonka evil. Johnny Depp's Wonka was simply highly neurotic and selfish. Just a note.
As for the idea of Fai not really caring about Chi... I hate that idea, because it makes Fai so cold-hearted. It's been a long, long time since I read Chobits, but Chobits (or what I got out of it, anyway) was about how Chi was a person deserving love, even if she wasn't technically human. So to have Fai not care about Chi would either mean that Fai is a heartless bastard (no!!!!!!) or that Chi is just an object. And I highly doubt that Clamp would make her -just- an object, a doll that Fai made that has no feelings, when Chobits was all about how she -wasn't- an object.
As for why Fai would leave her right next to Ashura if he cared about her... I'm guessing Chi can take care of herself to a certain extent. She'd at least be able to escape from Ashura before Ashura could destroy her. After all, Fai said that he wanted Chi to keep watch and warn him if Ashura woke up, didn't he? So there's probably more to Chi than most think.
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