CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Chi from chobits and Chi from Tsubasa

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Whoa! O.O *reads spoiler* I never thought of that! But, I really do doubt it, because.. Well, I hate to say this, but does Fai even CARE about Chii?! *cries* I mean, when I first saw them, I thought they had this adorable relationship and she was gonna have a big part relating to him, but... I'm on chapter 91 of Tsubasa... And... *sweatdrop* He hasn't mentioned her a SINGLE time to anyone... What's up with that? Oh! *stops crying* Maybe he doesn't mention her because... *sweatdrop* Ohhh, that doesn't work! I was gonna say because he wants to protect her so he doesn't let anyone know about her, but then I realized he left her RIGHT in Ashura's FACE! >_< And I DOUBT that's very safe! Oh forget it I don't know anything...

Maybe it was a test of his magical powers? Or maybe all the Ceres people have a servant like that? (like lots of people in Chobits have persocon)

(Ashura is genderless? i could've sworn he was a guy XD)


--- Quote from: Meowzy on September 22 2005, 02:26 am ---Maybe it was a test of his magical powers? Or maybe all the Ceres people have a servant like that? (like lots of people in Chobits have persocon)

(Ashura is genderless? i could've sworn he was a guy XD)

--- End quote ---

Ack! Another theory I didn't think of! >_< Wow, you people are good!

And about Ashura: Ashura-ou (Fai's Ashura) IS a male. Ashura-ou's son (In RG Veda) is genderless. HOWEVER, just to confuse us, CLAMP decided to call them BOTH Ashura-ou in Tsubasa. I don't know why. So, when referring to Fai's Ashura (Male) I say "Ashura-ou", and when referring to his son, I say "Ashura", although like I said, in Tsubasa they are BOTH "Ashura-ou"... Silly CLAMP... confusing the bejesus out of everyone...

*ponders* I think Chii is just another tool in his evil plot to rule the kingdom of Celes!! Or so it is in my big  theory involving Fai being power hungry and evil in a weird willy wonka-ish way. Of course this theory doesn't make much sense when I think abou it, but hey, let the fangirl dream.
This Chii is a mystery to me, but I don't think she has a sister in this universe... it's just be too weird.

Powerhungry Fai? yeah, i had a theory like that too once... That Fai was actually the bad guy, sent to interefere with the journey, and Ashura (a good guy) tried to stop him, so Fai locked him in a coffin. Chii not knowing anything about it.

but well, it doesn't make that much sense, now that I think about it.  Still, Fai is very suspicious. I must know about his past! I must! I must! @_@


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