Additional Details:
The ANS Reconbacer's prison deck is the staging point for the beginning of the story, it's a transdimentional ship that's being run by a pirate group that's trying to get together the six people they need to ultimately take over space and time. An officer on the ship, Maskis Juliano, is the prison warden on the ship, but the apperence of the four new prisoners kinda turns his stomach... is he really planning on killing these four just to satisfy there prophacy?
More Information - Most of the story will take place on different world's *which is where Yuko come's in* so brush up your TRC.. cause we WILL be making reapperences in some of those dimentionsÂ

More Information on the Reconbacer - I'll let Maskis explain the ship during the story, as of right now I'm almost out of Characters (700 characters remaining)Â

One other thing: This story take's place after TRC
Maskis is NOT the main character, since this deal's with CCS and TRC, I think it's better for Sakura and the rest to continue to be the main characters, Maskis is pretty much the one responsible for teleporting them around to different dimentions, although he's also got a hidden agenda and someone else has a plan on using him.. but.. no spoilers here :p