AuthorTopic: ~[CCS/TRC] Transcendence of Light  (Read 2531 times)

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Offline Kasawa Lanford

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~[CCS/TRC] Transcendence of Light
« on: September 21 2005, 03:53 pm »
Hiyo!!  :keke:

I was originally going to just write this one offline, but decided it'd be more fun to have others people help out!  :D

The reason this is CCS/TRC is because the RP use's the characters from CCS and from TRC, but also cause it involve's dimention traval (with the help of a certain crew member and Yuko

I don't mind OC's, just PM me an application/bio first plz

Age limit? What age limit? As long as they aren't 5 year's old or 90 year's old.. I don't mind ^_^

But I do need some main chracters

I need:

Sakura Kinomoto
Syaoran Kinomoto
Fai D Flowright

Yuko (Must have a Yuko! we don't really need her since we have Maskis! But a TRC RP wouldn't be the same without her, and besides, Maskis need's someone to argue with  :tongue: )

This story is a mixture of CCS and TRC.

Plot - Several year's have passed since Sakura sealed "Empty" and turned it into "Hope" now with Sakura and Syoaran in the 9th grade, and there love blossoming like never before, you'd think thing's would finally settle down, the two could get married and have children and live happily ever after right?

Uh huh... and I'm the president of the United States

One day, while Sakura and Syoaran are heading to school, they suddenly disappear, ambushed by a group thug's who knock them out (using cloth's with sleeping liquad on them)

Sakura's older brother and father searched the entire city, but it was in vain, as they where never found, fearing the worst they even attempted to search everywhere in the country.. but again nothing worked

Soon there after, in another dimention, Sakura and Syaoran's counter parts (TRC) are found dead in Clow Castle, killed from behind with poison darts, the death rack's the country and send's them off in search of the murders

However, in two other dimentions, a mage named "Fai D Flowright" and a Ninja named "Kurogane" suddenly find themselve's cowardly attacked and they to disappear

This is the premise of the story, all four brought together into one area on a ship that seem's to be able to fly through a void that isn't there

Clicky on spoiler tag if you want to know more about where the four are taken, and also where we begin.

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Additional Details:

The ANS Reconbacer's prison deck is the staging point for the beginning of the story, it's a transdimentional ship that's being run by a pirate group that's trying to get together the six people they need to ultimately take over space and time. An officer on the ship, Maskis Juliano, is the prison warden on the ship, but the apperence of the four new prisoners kinda turns his stomach... is he really planning on killing these four just to satisfy there prophacy?

More Information - Most of the story will take place on different world's *which is where Yuko come's in* so brush up your TRC.. cause we WILL be making reapperences in some of those dimentions  :keke:

More Information on the Reconbacer - I'll let Maskis explain the ship during the story, as of right now I'm almost out of Characters (700 characters remaining)  :tongue3:

One other thing: This story take's place after TRC

Maskis is NOT the main character, since this deal's with CCS and TRC, I think it's better for Sakura and the rest to continue to be the main characters, Maskis is pretty much the one responsible for teleporting them around to different dimentions, although he's also got a hidden agenda and someone else has a plan on using him.. but.. no spoilers here :p

We need a Fai and a Kurogane to start the RP

Character Bio:

Name: Maskis Juliano
Age: 14
Occupation: Prison Warden
Personality: A real pain the rear end, very cold, he doesn't treat anyone with kindness, but he does have a soft spot.. wonder if Sakura can find it?
Abilitys: Magic Usage, can summon minion's to do his bedings, in fact, most of the "people" on the prison deck ARE his minions, who seems to be more "nice" than there master

Character List's and who claimed who

Maskis - Kasawa
Sakura - suu_no_clover
Syaoran - last_memory
Fai -
Kurogane -Jadephoenix
Yuuko - last_memory

Please PM me with all original applications, or if you want to claim a character...

Note to RP Moderators: Anou.. I hope I did this right!! If not, let me know please..  :heh:

Hmm... Fai and Kurogane now are all we need ^_^
« Last Edit: October 13 2005, 02:42 am by Kasawa Lanford »

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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