I don't believe in the Easter Bunny. I stopped believing when I was 7.
Let me tell you the time I stopped believing. One night, the night before Easter, my mom and dad left me at my aunt's house because they had to leave for... Boston?
And, uh, yeah. As like other eves of holidays, I spent the whole night awake, thinking of the awesome candy I would get from the Easter Bunny. around 5:00AM I tried to get to sleep. Then I gave up and started looking around the room. The room was a bit visible now that it wasn't that dark. And then I saw my aunt. MY AUNT puting the chocolate on the stairs, hiding the eggs, leaving the chocolate around. My eyes grew wide and I let out a gasp.
My aunt noticed this and her eyes got wide, too. She whispered to me, "Go to sleep!" So I turned around, still scarred from that moment. I was hurt that the Easter Bunny wasn't real (I was a real Drama Queen when I was younger). And that is why I don't believe in the Easter Bunny. I still like the candy
