AuthorTopic: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life  (Read 23745 times)

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[TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« on: September 23 2005, 10:55 am »
Tsubasa Chronicle: Episode 23

This is the discussion topic for Episode 23 of TRC.

This episode is titled: The Disappearing Life

- Episode has aired, topic unlocked.
« Last Edit: September 24 2005, 09:51 pm by SLi »
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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #1 on: September 25 2005, 09:00 am »
Oh.. my.. GOSH... Could the animation have BEEN more ackward in this episode? I think not... Ironically, Seishirou, who we've all been saying was drawn really weird, was the only one who looked GOOD in the episode... Syao Syao was about 50/50, but Fai, Kuro, Moko, and Sakura just looked BAD. Especially Fai.... And the Fai vs. Seishirou scene... Didn't really deliver... They were standing still not even talking have the time, it was like the battle of the theme songs or something.. (Sei's would play, then Fai's, then Sei's, and so on...) But that part where Fai grabbed the darts of the board was pretty sweet... But when the oni finally got him, we just saw his legs dangling... from the oni... That was weird.. And it made me laugh instead of cry.... However, Mokona's crying almost made me cry, but everyone looked so darn funny I was too busy laughing to be upset! XD

Kurogane seemed to have about three lines in this episode... And when Moko told him about Fai... There was a... lack of emotion... *vein vein* Making all the Kuro Fai fans.. VERY homicidal... *twitch twitch* Then, when Syao Syao was killed by Sei, that was all dramatic and beautifully animated unlike Fai's dangling legs! What the heck was up with that? It was sad that Sakura had to see him go, but she was so choppily animated, that again, I ended up laughing... And she hugged him as basically a floating head... That was funny... It just was... But still very sweet, so I say 10/10 on the S + S in this episode! ^_^ Now, for KuroFai.. not so much... *sweatdrop*

I can't really rate this episode, because some parts were really good, and some were really bad... Ex: Fai's death scene= BAAAD Syao Syao's death scene= AMAZING!!! O.o

So, you're probably thinking: "Yuki, if you hated this episode so much, why did you fangirl squeal so loud that the sun exploded when you watched it?"

Well, that's a good question, my fellow forum-poster! Fai did the next episode thingy. O.o Yes, it's true, he did. So if it's dark where you live thanks to the lack of sun, now you know why. ^_^

Anyway, here's a flashlight. *hands you flashlight*
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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #2 on: September 25 2005, 09:35 am »
-nods- AkaiYuki-sama has said all what's to be said, in my opinion.  :sweatdrop:

O.K episode...only a few episodes left! ><

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #3 on: September 25 2005, 01:03 pm »

Hehe. I bring you Episode 23 screenshots. xP I haven't seen the episode yet but it looks awesome. And these aren't my screenshots! They're from a LJ community. ENJOY!!
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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #4 on: September 25 2005, 01:21 pm »
It was sad that Sakura had to see him go, but she was so choppily animated, that again, I ended up laughing... And she hugged him as basically a floating head... That was funny... It just was... But still very sweet, so I say 10/10 on the S + S in this episode! ^_^

I can't really rate this episode, because some parts were really good, and some were really bad... Ex: Fai's death scene= BAAAD Syao Syao's death scene= AMAZING!!! O.o

Lol i have to agree with the floating head thing, i was half crying and 3/4 laughing *counts* wait.. that doesnt add up right XD 
i understand what you mean by Syao's death being "amazing". It was like, a terrible event, but it had better animation than the rest of the episode, and was EXTREMELY dramatic. When he got stabbed i was like, "OMG NOOOOOOOOO", then i considered the fact that CLAMP wouldnt kill of Syao just like that! *makes a loud and quick noise* xP

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #5 on: September 25 2005, 01:50 pm »
Lol i have to agree with the floating head thing, i was half crying and 3/4 laughing *counts* wait.. that doesnt add up right XD
i understand what you mean by Syao's death being "amazing". It was like, a terrible event, but it had better animation than the rest of the episode, and was EXTREMELY dramatic. When he got stabbed i was like, "OMG NOOOOOOOOO", then i considered the fact that CLAMP wouldnt kill of Syao just like that! *makes a loud and quick noise* xP

I KNOW! XD The animation in this episode just bugged... Half the time it was amazing, half the time it was horrid! O.o! And it's ok that your math doesn't add up, I'm sure it was hard to concentrate when looking at Sakura hugging Syao Syao's floating head...
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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #6 on: September 25 2005, 01:59 pm »
And it's ok that your math doesn't add up, I'm sure it was hard to concentrate when looking at Sakura hugging Syao Syao's floating head...

LOL that was the exact problem!!!!!

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #7 on: September 25 2005, 10:58 pm »
omg, this episode sounds soooo good! but i can't download it because my dad is messing with the computer that has bitcomet! ;_;

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #8 on: September 26 2005, 03:12 am »
I the...floating...head...-_-

I'm unworthy to be a Syaoran-kun fangirl! I bawled with laughter while he died, and then I squeed when Sakura hugged the floating head, and then..rofl, it was funny :XD:

Sei-chan looked decent I guess, and I liked teh fact they played you are my love...I guess :haha: Fai's death scene was CRAP, even his dangling! It looked like the oni had extra long teeth or something -_-

Kuro-pii was BOORING in this episode, and that's inhumane because its against CLAMP law for Kuro-pii to be boring. WTF?!

So this episode was a 'WTF?!' moment for me, with nice music though :lol:
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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #9 on: September 26 2005, 04:24 am »
I the...floating...head...-_-

I'm unworthy to be a Syaoran-kun fangirl! I bawled with laughter while he died, and then I squeed when Sakura hugged the floating head, and then..rofl, it was funny :XD:

lol dont worry. I'm sure all Syao fangirls laughed at the floating head. So dont feel bad ^^

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #10 on: September 26 2005, 04:57 am » least I found this episode more exciting than the last few episodes...datte! -_-

Although the animation really sucked, I tried my best to concentrate on the events instead and ignore how weirdly Fai's legs were dangling in mid-air when he was "killed" by the oni :dodge:  I think that helped me a bit :sweatdrop:

It was really sad when both Fai and Syaoran died, especially when Mokona was crying for Fai :cry:  Sakura hugging a disappearing Syaoran's head (:XD:) was sweet and all, yet I couldn't help laughing my head off :laughing4:  *I bet Sei-chan was laughing too since they didn't show his face after S+S disappeared :lol:*

Overall, I have to admit I liked this episode. It was better than last week's episode...  What am I talking about!? Gawd, why didn't Madhouse take over TRC!? :angry:

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #11 on: September 26 2005, 05:31 am »
i now get what everyone means abt the dangling legs- was a bit diappointed abt Fai's death- i thought it was just as dramatic that they showed his red tie already- but then the scene changed to the dangling legs- i laughed my head off!  :laughing4:- soz- i realli couldnt help it!

sei-chan looks more like touya in this episode to me- and that kinda sucks a bit for me- well at least they showed his eye a bit. The reaction from syaoran and kurogane was a bit poor when they heard that fye was attacked- but oh well- guess kurogane will show more of a reaction- nxt epi!

but i have to agree that the S+S was gr8 in this episode- for me anyways! It was so sweet- syaoran and sakura- though the digital breakup of syoaran - it was okay- but looked funny as he seemed like a puppet for a sec though- thought i forgives for the sad mo for S+S with "you are my love" in the background.

only kurogane left- (and mokana)- that changed from the manga- i wanted some kurogane and sakura interaction- guess hoping for later episodes! ekkhhh- only 3 left!!! - will it finish with this arc?
the preview didnt give anything away- hope its not too much of a filler.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #12 on: September 26 2005, 07:50 am »
Overall a good episode.  Though I watch the series for the plot, the animation is always good to me.  Though I guess that's a difference of oppinnion.
It was sweet but funny w/ Sakura and Syaoran's disapearing scene.  But is it just me or does the english version of You Are My Love just not fit?  They could've done better on that.  Maybe played...umm...I dunno.  I'm trying not to think of an over played song.  Maybe Tsubasa (english version) as strange as that sounds might've been better.

Very different for Fay doing the episode preview.  I liked it.  I wish all of the characters would take turns w/ that.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #13 on: September 26 2005, 08:11 am »
I love this made me shout so much.  XDD  By shouting I mean I was literally going "OMG!  Syaoran-kun!" and uhh...yeah.  But unfortunately that lead to my RL best friend to come running to my house and going "Say what?!  You called me?!" ...embarassing!  lmao.  Anyway...this episode was hott.

Seishirou is hott and that's why this episode was hott.  lol  The S+S scene was adorable but it kinda made me laugh on how overly mushy it was.  xD  Its still cute though and I could've sworn Sakura was about to cry because Syaoran was disappearing but turns out she didn't.  Bah.  The animation was awesome except the ears is the biggest pet peeve I have for the show and believe me, after watching and so many episodes it kinda gets to ya.  o.O;

It was funny in the end too because instead of Mokona doing the voiceover thingy it was Fay (Fai, Fye..whatever!!).  The part that made me laugh was that "Mokona Kurogonicle" thing that Fay said..funny!  lol  Well, I can't wait for the next episode!!  ^_^  No wonder they were dragging their stay in this world out.  They still have 2 seasons to go.....:P
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TRC Episode 23
« Reply #14 on: September 26 2005, 08:46 pm »
OMG! The "next episode" part of TRC 23 was so funny!   :haha:
Ok, so it wasn't THAT funny, but it was unexpected.
"Well, we died.......Me, Syaoran, and Sakura.  The only ones left alive are Mokona and Kurorin.  The title from now on will be 'Mokona Kuroganicle'..."
 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Fai/Fye is so cool! (What is the generally accepted spelling of his name here??)
Wow, but a lot happened.  I can't wait till episode 24!!!
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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #15 on: September 26 2005, 10:32 pm »
i've seen the episode now too. and i agree. the death scene... it was BAD! also, for some reason, there were a few zooms where Fai looked a bit... crosseyed. his left eye was too far to the left. >_>
the music didn't fit at all, and it simply wasn't dramatic enough. the only dramatic thing about it was that bowtie falling to the ground. it was ruined however, by the dangling legs that seemed to come out of nowhere.
i did, however, like the handstand on the table. that really made me smile. and the conversation between him and Seishirou.

Kurogane should've weeped or something! or banged his fist into the wall. not just stand there going "How... could this.... happen?" in a bland and toneless voice... tch! well, maybe it hasnt sunk in yet! maybe he'll take sweet revenge next episode! :P
"And this one is for Fai! And that one! and this one!" *slash slash swipe*  "And, oh yeah, this is one for the kid and the princess." *kick in the nuts*

I too, laughed very loudly when Syaoran disappeared. it was really stupid how his body was turning into cubes/pixels, while his head remained intact. >_>

So all in all, this episode was VERY disappointing.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #16 on: September 26 2005, 11:26 pm »
Yeah, the death scene was rather amusing. Other than that, it was a pretty good episode. And I agree that Fye's next episode preview was hilarious. Lol, Mokona Kuroganical...

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #17 on: September 27 2005, 12:17 am »
Fai/Fye is so cool! (What is the generally accepted spelling of his name here??)

Whatever way you wanna spell it is fine, it's pretty much 50/50 on those spellings, and a lot spell it "Fay", now because of the new merch... But I just can't do it... I just can't type "F-a-y" and tell myself it's pronounced "Fai"... Looks like "Fei"...

i've seen the episode now too. and i agree. the death scene... it was BAD! also, for some reason, there were a few zooms where Fai looked a bit... crosseyed. his left eye was too far to the left. >_>
the music didn't fit at all, and it simply wasn't dramatic enough. the only dramatic thing about it was that bowtie falling to the ground. it was ruined however, by the dangling legs that seemed to come out of nowhere.
i did, however, like the handstand on the table. that really made me smile. and the conversation between him and Seishirou.

Kurogane should've weeped or something! or banged his fist into the wall. not just stand there going "How... could this.... happen?" in a bland and toneless voice... tch! well, maybe it hasnt sunk in yet! maybe he'll take sweet revenge next episode! :P
"And this one is for Fai! And that one! and this one!" *slash slash swipe* "And, oh yeah, this is one for the kid and the princess." *kick in the nuts*

I too, laughed very loudly when Syaoran disappeared. it was really stupid how his body was turning into cubes/pixels, while his head remained intact. >_>

So all in all, this episode was VERY disappointing.

Myaa, I know! If they just left Fai's death scene at the falling bow tie, that would have been fine, but NO! We had to see the dangling legs, which didn't even MOVE, or get sucked into the oni or ANYTHING! >_< So stupid... But at least he did some cool stuff with the darts and flips and stuff, ne? And yes, Kuropi better have a reaction like that in the next episode... We KuroFai fangirls are getting rather impatient, aren't we? Well it's the anime's fault... Destroying our KuroFai little by little until it is no more... *sniff*

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention the thing about Fai's eyes... Good golly gosh that bugged me... They were so far apart I thought his ears turned blue until I realized "Oh... those are his eyes way over there on the side of his head..."
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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #18 on: September 27 2005, 06:48 am »
I had to send this to myself because I don't have the BT client on this computer so I might as well not let this link go to waste. For anyone who doesn't have BT and wants a direct link here you go:
 (sorry if this isn't the right place to put it, I'm still kind of new here and haven't figured my entire way around here yet).

Ah, so I wasn't the only one who thought that animation was a little bit off ... or maybe a lot. Yup I didn't like how Fai's leg was dangling around when that Oni was trying to suck him up. But I almost cried because Fai's one of my fav characters and since I haven't followed the Manga yes I thought he was really going to die ;_; Well actaully before the Preview I though he really did die but than when Sakura and Syaoran disappeared too I thought this isn't right ... all the main characters can't disappear like this with so many episodes to go.

None the less I did like how he picked up those darts and used them as a weapon as he has done in previous episode in this arch. And how the made the disappearance of various people in the city (like the bartender the clover bar, forgot her name) disappear. And that latter scene with Sakura and Syaoran and how they were looking at each other.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 23 : The Disappearing Life
« Reply #19 on: September 27 2005, 04:38 pm »
That the animation was this time bad I didn't really noticed. I think it was ok....oh yeah Fai-sans eyes looked really really weird!
His death was dissapointing and when they hear that he was defeated by an oni Syaoran and Kurogane showed no emotions! While I sat there and watch I tought:

You damn guys show feelings!!!! Cry or whatever but be emotional!!!! *scream at the computer*

The only good things in this epi were the childhood memory from Syaoran (but I guess it could be longer) and Syaorans death scene: That I think was the only real great thing in this epi!!! Wonderful dramatic and Syaorans scream.....*WAIII*
Hey guys I laughed too because of that head thing...but hey...I think its OK! Syaoran would forgive us!!!^^
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