LMAO, yeah I know, before in the older openings it shows lunamaria, fake lacus a.k.a mia campbell and cagalli, when I saw meyrin in there I cracked up, lmao, I was like "he helped her once and now she's all over him too >.<" I know Athrun's hot, but wow, so many fangirls, lol
Or like fisah said, maybe something intimate happened between them XD and like spending one night together and he goes off to fight! Yes it's like her standing waiting for him to return to her XD but why the scenes with 3 girls now insteading of 2 standing by Athrun especially that Fake Lacus! >_< *Kicks her* and Cagalli so far T_T
Yes still think that's what's going to happen, poor cagalli, it be so sad if he left like that, if you watched ep 25, he totally abandons her, talk about forshadowing >_> I totally love AsuCagu, not as much as Kira x Lacus, but I still love it to bits and seeing them break up would be so heartbreaking *horrible thoughts continue*