Koryo and Jade bored me to tears, too.. But so did Hanshin... I really think I WOULD have liked Hanshin, but pairing Shougo and Primera?! I'm sorry, but that's always bothered me.. Especially since it was one of the first cross-overs seen in Tsubasa (talk about a bad first impression...), I was scared that CLAMP was going to do more random things, but that never happened... I mean, a lot of people liked the Shougo and Primera pairing, but do they know what they are from?! Primera was a little FAIRY thing from MKR and Shougo was basically a Kakyou-replacement for the X movie! So when I saw that THEY were a couple in Tsubasa, I seriously backed off... I was scared horrible things would happen, like weird pairings like Kamui from X with the Snow Queen from Shira Hime Shou and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon with Yumi from Chobits! XD LOL, no, I never thought it'd get THAT bad, but I thought it'd be pretty odd...
Really, all in all, as much as I love Tsubasa, I really think CLAMP could have done better... A LOT of things could have been skipped.. I mean really, you could read vol. 1, skip a few, read 6 and 7, skip a few more, and read all of the Piffle stuff and you'd know about just as much as anyone else! ((Since the major plot stuff seemed to happen in those places...)) It's kind of annoying, really.. Then again, I probably wouldn't mind if we at least got to see Kamui and Fuuma somewhere, living happily! *sniff* But that won't happen, I'm sure... *sweatdrop* Well, I say all that, but we all know Yuki couldn't live without the random KuroFay hints throughout each volume, not just the ones listed... ^_^ So I guess I don't TOTALLY mind how slow it is, ((it just means more Fay and Kuro time!!)) but I'd still like to know what the heck is going one...