CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 1

[TRC] Episode 24: Sword Duel to the death

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--- Quote from: Fye-chan on October 05 2005, 09:42 pm ---Like I saied: DAMN! Syaoran why don't you give her a hug??? That was THE chance!!!

While I looked the episode once more I realised what Kuro-wan saied after Sei-chan told him that SyaoSyao is dead...
Kuro-wan: That's all I must know...
It's like he would say: O.K. killed him now I'll kill you!!!!!!FOR MY FRIENDS!!!!!

--- End quote ---

this could turn into a great friendship
(the swordmaster and his apprentice, what a killer-team)


great swordbattle with kurogane's special move in beginning of episode *he rocks!*
good music, nice S&S moments (all S&S moments are nice but anywayz)

one of the best episodes sofar, i want to see the new episode

I think this is the best episode in Outo !!


--- Quote from: SandSLover on October 04 2005, 04:58 am ---nxt epii- here we come- dam- 2 more epiosdes then a 1 yr wait!! :cry:

--- End quote ---

ONE YEAR WAIT!??!?! are you really serious??  does it really take that long for the next season to come out?? :(


--- Quote ---ONE YEAR WAIT!??!?! are you really serious??  does it really take that long for the next season to come out??
--- End quote ---

I will ease your pain.

6 month break. Still a long time, but we can wait.


--- Quote from: KatanaJon on October 09 2005, 01:13 pm ---I will ease your pain.

6 month break. Still a long time, but we can wait.

--- End quote ---
hahah.. thx.. that's more like it.. :)..


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