Oooooh wow! I loved this episode a lot...
*It's kinda scary because I really hadn't liked Episode 23 much after I watched it a couple of times
Some good points were as following ~
- The animation was great. Syaoran-tatchi were at its "Bee-train" best
- S+S moments with "Kaze no Matchi he" playing in the background were to die for
- Mokona hugging Fai's face was "darling"!
- Sei-chan looked hot for the first time in the anime
- Chitose looked like herself
- Kurogane and Seishirou fighting was pretty kool~ *even if it seemed much better in the manga
- Oruha, unfortunately, wasn't drawn that prettily...better than the last few episodes, but still lacking
*How can anyone compare to CLAMP anyway? >_<*
Well, those are the good points for this episode. They were minor bad points like Bee-train cut out the part when Ryuoh and Mokona glomped Syaoran when they discovered he was okay was really
kawaii and I would've loved to see it
However, overall, I enjoyed watching this episode a lot
 I can't wait until the next episode (even though the animation isn't going to be as pretty as this episode's...