I'm all for S&S moments but I was very dissapointed in the ones this episode.
I mean, when Syaoran came running at Sakura like that I was like, "Ah! They must hug or something!"
But.....nothing. Just an "I'm glad you're okay!"
I mean, come on! You thought you were going to die, and she died with you! That's gotta earn someone some "lovin'"

I wanted to bang my head on my desk.
But that would hurt....so no.
But, BUT! When Ryough had asked why Syaoran was after the feather and he said something like, "I need it for someone who is very important to me." and Sakura was like, "whaa?" I was like, "Phweeeeeee, cute!"
But, all in all, I liked the episode. The look on Kurogane's face when he saw Fye was hilarious!!!
Can't wait for the next episode.