CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

What do you do while waiting for the next episode/chapter of the manga?

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I am really impatient while waiting for the next manga or episode, so I usually try my best to forget about it & just surf through forums and stuff to try to forget about it until the time or day comes, but of course it fails as I am a massive fan who can't stop thinking about the next manga or episode lol

Ruby Chan:
I roleplay a lot (go Kurogane!) and usually work on my current Tsubasa fiction....otherwise, I have a nervous breakdown. ^_^

To occupy myself with other series (but of course, none being so wonderful as Tsubasa *wink*) and finish the fanficcys I started. :sweatdrop:

I replay my favorite episodes, post here and search with a mad expression on my face for Tsubasa stuff!!!! Wuahahaha
I write my fanfic, work on my cosplay, draw some pictures, make AMV's....
ähhh  yeah and school ^_^"

Study  :XD:
I have lots of homework every week.... I don' think I have had a day where I didn't have any homework... even on the first days of school, we get homework. (I mean we started a lab in AP Chemistry on the 2nd day of school  :sweatdrop: )

But other than that.... I wait for new chapter of DGrayman on Friday's, so reading it keeps me from going too insane about Tsubasa...but between Friday and Wednesday... oh, it's torture... >_<


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