CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

What do you do while waiting for the next episode/chapter of the manga?

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MJ Walker:
I read Ouran or watch anime. I also work on my fanfiction like crazy.
12:43 am, writing on my laptop. Example from chapter 2

"...So what is your name" Said Watanuki looking at the little girl with evergreen eyes
"Sue, that is the name my mother gave me"
What is your mothers name?

I catch up on all the anime I have downloaded. I've gone straight through Utawarerumono and Makai Senki Disgaea AND re-watched Ouran this time around. Oh the joiz of finishing summer school :D

Demo... I've run out of stuff to watch and MegaUpload is being a butthead, so I have nothing to watch as of right now *rocks back and forth*

i search tsubasa's japan links,artworks and information across the net  :keke:

I stalk livejournal and in the hopes that I can score some Syaoran angst. Though it's hard to find, really... -_-;; If I score one good Syaoran fanfic a week, in the sea of KuroFai that is the TRC fandom, though, I'm lucky.

Sailor Yue-chan:
right now im trying to get my fai-narative published by wendsday. (therel be no time to get it beta'd) at the same time trying to come up with a plot basis for this holic fic idea i came up with


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