CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

What do you do while waiting for the next episode/chapter of the manga?

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I go on these forums while I wait for the next episode or manga :keke:

Zettai daijoubu:
it's unbearable.. esp when there's no chapts for 2 weeks!!!! i've gotten quite used to waiting a looonnnnggg time for e subbed anime though.. meanwhile i keep myself entertained by visiting this forum.. n keep myself not entertained but busy with doing homework and mugging..

Watch some older episodes and re-read the manga. *sigh* I want Tsubasa!

sleeping to stop thinking about Tsubasa...but even in my dreams i'm persecuted  :sweatdrop:

read the other KuroFai love (i only dl ch with KuroFai love since i want to buy the manga itself)

and study, listen to music, watch TV :hehe:


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