CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
What do you do while waiting for the next episode/chapter of the manga?
I scan in the latest delrey release of TRC and make icons out of them, fawn over Ashura, concentrait on the 3 other series I have going on, draw, lj, deviantart, work, typical life stuff. I dunno. The releases of TRC don't seem too far apart to me. It's also a relievve that there's so much time between each release. It ensurs that I have enough money to just pick it up when I see it.
I read my other manga or watch something online usually on youtube. Or I sing songs I cant understand on or... net surfing!^_^
there is no more waiting now,everybody on chapter 126 :haha:
I read fanfiction or come here or...daydream...Yeah, mostly daydream, ....about what will happen next.....and stuff....
Sailor Yue-chan:
hunt for more kuro fai fics on both fic sites, white4 a angsty kurofai fic
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