CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
What do you do while waiting for the next episode/chapter of the manga?
I fill my time by:
-reading or watching another manga/anime
-trying to guess what'll happen next in TRC
-participating in my other fandoms.
Even then I start going a little crazy after a 2 week break, lol.
~Play a game
~Read A fanFic or 8 lol
~Tell my self "Don't get mad or go Crazy"
~Rp Kurogane and Fai
Ya I have to do a lot to keep busy lol
Konata Izumi:
~ tell myself kuroxfai will go canon o.0
~ watch t.v.
~ study
~ play online games
>Read the previous chapters
>draw and listen to music
>watch tv
Sailor Yue-chan:
-colorize splashies *points to siggie*
-look for, print and read many kurofai fics ive never read before ^^
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