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What's your ringtone?

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--- Quote ---I know this is a bit off-topic, but is there a cellphone model that can now use mp3s as ringtones?
--- End quote ---

most of new models have that function. even my sony ericsson has it, and as far as I know also some models of motorola and nokia.
back OT. recently I use  'ironside' from kill bill OST.

Funny how mine isnt a ring~tone!^^ I recorded my voice saying, "Bia! Answer the phone! Bia! Answer the Phone!" (Bia's my real name...^^)

EDIT: I forgot I changed it to Summer Parade by Depapepe!^_^''

"You are My Love (Sakura's version)"
I recorded it  :D

Crazy by Gnarls Barkley ._.

Miss Jenni-Maie:
Renegade by Styx :P
LOVE that song!


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