CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Do you think we could get a third OST???
Hey guys
I thought over this a couple of times and I think it's possible!
Here are my reasons:
-None of the two OST's have the song which played when Suomo and so on appeared (this happily song)
-In the newest episode I also heared a new song which is played during Syao and Ryuuohs talk and when they remember their talk from another episode...
- During the whole serie we heard a lot of different versions from the songs for excample "Song with Storm and Fire" (at the end of epi 2) and "I talk to the rain" (at the beginning of epi 2)-----Where are they???
and my last reason: It could be something like an Extra-Soundtrack like .hack//SIGN or Noir....and remember these two Soundtracks are too from Yuki Kajiura who made the Tsubasa Soundtrack
So what do you think about this???? :shifty:
Hmm I'm quite uncertain about it. There hasn't been any word about that and the season is almost over. But than you never can really tell. I would hope so. Heh I kind of like that track with Suomo showed up. It's very quirky.
Hmm... if anything, we might get those songs on a soundtrack for the second season if they're used again. It seems kind of unlikely that they'll release a third one at this point. But then the 'extra-soundtrack' thing is a possibility, if Kajiura-san has done that before....... o_O
yeah, that Sumomo/Kotoko song... it ruled! i hope it comes out on OST some day. ^_^
~anime spirit~:
Yah I hope so too. Besides aren't there supposed to be 3 seasons? So....................ya its a possibility.
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