CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Do you think we could get a third OST???
--- Quote from: Okamirei on October 06 2005, 01:31 pm ---a few months later...meaning more than 6 months (><)! Gah, by that time, school would already almost be over
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Gahhh to long!!! -.-"
Well, if there isn't a third OST, it might be like in .hack//SIGN how some songs weren't included. Other than the songs where the background music was simply removed, I've found quite a few songs in the series that never appeared in any of the soundtracks.
Though I do hope there's a third OST, since I love Kajiura's music. :D
--- Quote from: tasogare51 on October 07 2005, 12:45 pm ---Though I do hope there's a third OST, since I love Kajiura's music. :D
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Here the same!!!!! YUKI!!!!!
I want more!!!
When I downloaded the second OST, I really thought that the song that play when they meet Sumomo would be there,
and I got disappointed when I realized it did not. :cry:
I think another soundtrack will be realised when the second season starts and everything....
I really wish we get to listen to that song, it is really cute and genki. :inlove:
Cardcaptor Takato:
I think they'll most likely release more OSTs since Tsubasa is planned to run for three seasons. Maybe after the series has ended or once there's enough vocal songs for one cd, we'll get an OST that contains all the vocal songs on one cd. Sorry for going a little off-topic here, but does anyone know if there's going to be any character image songs for Tsubasa like there are for CCS?
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