CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Do you think we could get a third OST???

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yeah of course i'm pretty sure o.o
*-* and you're right Aunt there are so many songs!!

Yeah! (niece understands me *hug*)
Since I got the second OST I'm quite sure that we'll get a new OST maybe even before the new season starts.
I mean on the cd there are only 18 songs and I think if it's only the Suomo track they could have take it on it too.
So I think they planned a third one and thats why they put not many songs on the second one.

If theres another seaon of TRC, then thats a definite "yes" because there will  be more music and songs for the next seasons.

of course we could get a third OST, 2 more seasons means more music so we will just have to wait a little longer :)

I think if they plan on another ost, It'd have to come mid-way through season 2 because they've just fiinished a season. It'd be weirdfor them to put out an album, and then not have us hear any of the songs for months. It might be worse than not having another ost at all...


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